Home > Nature, Thinking > Dead sardines in LA, 8.9 earthquake & tsunami in Japan, any link?

Dead sardines in LA, 8.9 earthquake & tsunami in Japan, any link?

Any connection between these events?

Millions of dead sardines found in California marina



“Millions of dead sardines were found floating on Tuesday in a harbor marina just south of Los Angeles, puzzling authorities and triggering a massive cleanup effort.”

Magnitude 8.9 earthquake slams Japan



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  1. Jamie
    March 12, 2011 at 5:05 am

    In my opinion ….YES! Even though the distance is far between the two occurrences I still feel that they are related. Perhaps their was some underwater activity or a small hole underwater that leaked a deadly gas… thus killing those millions of sardines.. a sign of which meant some big movement was about to happen. And of which unfortunately happened in Japan.

    • March 12, 2011 at 8:05 am

      Yes, though the reason is not clear now, but I think there must be some kind of underlying activity under the sea which caused this event, quite possibly it is related to geologic activities.

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