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Age of Man


In the March 2011 Geographic magazine, there’s an article “ Age of Man”, just like what is stated in the last sentence, “”What I hope,” he says, “is that the term ‘Anthropocene’ will be a warning to the world.”, Yeah, we will be reach 7 billion people soon, and we are heading to 8, 9, and who knows what.

What will we left behind ? And who will be the next ruler after we human beings are gone? Of course, the planet will survive, no matter how worst we damage it, we are actually damaging ourselves, it will only make we human’s life hard…

Yeah, maybe sometimes we are thinking too human, too human centric, just like what we say “ think out of the box”, for creative ideas, we should sometimes think out of humans! Sounds crazy, huh?

We should.

After years and years, what we focused now on our life won’t be matter at all, love, how to make a living, a business, making money, etc.

We ought think out of humans, it is always good to have a broader view, no matter what you do.



Photo credit: National Geographic

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