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IEA – Key Energy Statistics 2010

It is quite amazing that US is the No. 3 oil producer of the world, with a capacity of 320Mt/year, but it is also the largest oil importer, 564 Mt/year.

As well as China, my country, if they can cut oil consumption by as large as 75%(US), 50% respectively, they can be self-sufficient again.

But it is quite easy to say, the real problem is how to achieve that. Emm, so where’s all those oils going?  A large chunk goes to Transportation, Ok, just imaging tomorrow morning, President Obama & President Hu Jintao announcing that, no passenger & commercial vehicles can use any oil anymore, they must be all electirc driving, the only area temporarily exempt from this law is the heavy truck ,ship, military, and aviation sector.

  That is to say, no matter how, you cannot drive your car anymore, except it is an electric one.

Interesting, also we can say, you only can use what you produced, stay within this capacity limit.


Oh, quite stupid, haha.


Credit: IEA



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