Home > Uncategorized > Progressive Automotive X Prize Announces 22 Registered Teams

Progressive Automotive X Prize Announces 22 Registered Teams

The Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize announced last week that 22 teams have registered to compete for the $10 million purse. Two teams remain confidential, but of the 20 public teams, the vehicle technologies run the gamut from electric vehicles and hybrids to vehicles fueled with compressed air, vegetable oil, biodiesel, ethanol, compressed natural gas, biomethane, propane, solar energy, and even diesel fuel and gasoline. The prize will be awarded to a production-capable vehicle that achieves the energy equivalent of 100 miles per gallon of gasoline while meeting market needs for price, size, capability, safety, and performance. About 100 other teams have expressed their intent to compete for the prize, and they until early next year to register.


Credit: EERE Network News

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