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Can I do sth?

At earlier 2005, after half year’s work at Schlumberger, a oil service company, I quited, there’s a few reasons why i did so.
one is I don’t much like  the technical stuff, I am not good at those stuff fixing know-how. another, I am, at least, a little inspired by the renewable energy sector…, solar, wind, etc,
yeah, being a factory guy, far from the upstream,
But i just failed to find the right job, and finally, I found the current job, anyway, we are not producing solar cells, or wind turbines, but the principle is almost the same.
But, the question is, this is my 4th year here…
the solar panel or wind stuff or anything else, EV, Hybird, is, still, ok, far away from me.
Can I get closer?
Maybe, one day, I will get closer, much closer.
Categories: Uncategorized
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