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Woke up at around 9:10 a.m, because stayed a little bit late last night, or prisicely, this morning, hited the bed until 0:43 a.m.., you know, those unusual lateness , got reasons, ^_^.
Went to Ronggui town at around 10:30, head for the "I Am Legend", recently issued by Warner Bro Pictures.
now a Viacom company.
and, accidentically, bought one DVD called " An Inconvenient Truth", star by Al Gore, former vice president of the US, it’s all about Global Warming.
The lengend movie is , for me, kind of too horrible and stupid, so , I just fast forwarded it , chapter by chapter, as usual, a happy ending, that they  must do.
But the possiblity is also high, human being being demolished by disease, and it proved me more after watching the second movie, or say, a demo by Al Gore on Global warming.
We need to think more seriously on Global Warming, it is not it will come, it has came, and it is coming faster , now, right now.
Rethink Energy, the whole energy ecosystem, the whole industry ecosystem, the whole business ecosystem, the whole, any other related ecosystems,
I those days always are thinking about financial crisis, I got new terms, Climate Crisis…
Global Warming, or, the most ridiculous event of mankind ???, possibly not.
Should be serious on that.
And ,  you know what, again, by accident, I found . ipaper!
just from the cliamatecrisis.net, they are using ipaper technology to showing the documents, something like
which I just found a few days ago, and i talked this on otn(Oracle Technology Network) forum, on apex subforum, I said would they make something like acrobat.com, make it more searchable, one replied and said, if combine acrobat and oracle technology, it will be a killer app.
Great, hope they will really make that killer app!!!, I can only add moral support, because I don’t know how to write programmes, except those wizard driving one, dummy ones.
and I seted up an account  in scribd.com, and uploaded one file as below:


Read this document on Scribd: ethics
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