
Posts Tagged ‘Music’

A little bit of music

October 28, 2010 Leave a comment

I always find it is a good way, at least for me, to find music and singers from movies I watched.

I got many from Cars, Route 66 ,so to speak.

If you watch it many times like me, such an old timer, watching out of date movies, listening out of date songs, never quite catching up with the current & fancy stuff, you can find many good songs during your watching of movies, more than once of course.

Here comes yet another one i recently found, Behind the Clouds, by Brad Paisley, yeah, I found names, and then I search them, google them, bing them or baidu them, in case that google doesn’t work ( I am in China 😉 ), whatsoever, like that, and I end up with their whole albums, sometimes I even buy their CDs.

From the inside i am not a music guy, not a fun guy, bit of serious all the time, always worry about the ‘falling sky’, haha.

Stop here, Ladies and gentlecars,  here comes  your hot rod.


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