
Posts Tagged ‘Learning’

Not working hard enough…, on everything

I feel tired recently, because of the heavy load in the factory, my job, as well as some personal pressures need to be tackled this year, but I also realize that I am not working hard enough, or smart enough, on almost everything, work, study, personal life, reading, investing, the due diligence is just not enough, I should input more actually.
I am reading ‘A gift to my children’ by Jim Rogers, and there’s a lot of inspirations.

I should think about my habit of learning and working.

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E.O.Wilson on learning

November 6, 2010 Leave a comment

“ THE BASIC INGREDIENT for a love of learning is the same as for romantic love, or love of country, or of God: passion for a particular subject. Knowledge accompanied by pleasurable emotion stays with us. It jumps to the surface and, when summoned, triggers other memory linkages to create metaphor, the cutting edge of creative thought. Rote learning, in contrast, fades quickly into a jumble of words, facts, and anecdotes. The Holy Grail of liberal education is the formula by which passion can be systematically expanded for both science and the humanities, hence for the best in culture.”

                           —— E.O.Wilson, The Creation