
Posts Tagged ‘Investing’

Recent thinking

February 5, 2011 Leave a comment

It is very good having time with one’s family, but since I am the ‘black sheep’ child at my family, so, the topic is always about my marriage, why I am so picky, should I change a job that is much near to home than the current one?

But I do enjoy my holiday, and I spend a lot of time reading, mainly books on faniance and investment, I still have several books on hand that I want to finish within this holiday:

1. Techniques of management accounting, by David W.Young

Accounting is essential, whether you are dealing with a private business, any kind of job at an enterprise, or , at investming, no matter you are an individual investor or investing as a business. So, accounting knowledge is a must for my future development & career.

2. Energy: engine of Evolution, by Frank Niele

I am always interested in energy, since it is so important for everybody as well as almost everything.

3. Adventure Capitalist, by Jim Rogers( reading right now)

I like books by Jim, plentiful of insights,  as well as traveling & investing knowledge.

4. Commodities for Dummies,by Amine Bouchentouf

Commodities is also very important, and there’s a must no matter you are a normal businessman or, a hedger, esp. a speculator.

5. The interpretation of financial statements, by Benjamin Graham & Spencer B. Meredith

This is a book I plan to reread and will do so multiple times, I hope I can make concepts and methods within this book my second nature, just like English, or my mother language.

I also plan to read:

  • A random walk down wall street ,by Burton G. Malkiel
  • The Little BookThat Beats the Market, by Joel Greenblatt

Those are 2 books within the 15 books recommended by Forbes, and they are also classic and must-read kind of books in investing and personal finance. I got the pdf edtion of above 2 books, if I have time, I will read them.

Happy reading!

Another goal of my holiday is building up some fat, yeah, I mean the real thing, becuase I think 2011 will be tough, since we are in full capacity and in such a bad condition at both IT support(no ERP or any other sys, just excel, excel!), and hr( people are still leaving, and I see more people leaving, and it is hard to find replacement in a short period of time.)

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