
Posts Tagged ‘Dedication’

Dedication, professional, career

November 2, 2010 Leave a comment

It is quite a thing if you can love your job, your career, your profession( of you have one, of course) as persistent, passionate as the the below people:

  • Jane Goodall


Fifty years at Gombe

In 1960 a spirited animal lover with no scientific training set up camp in Tanganyika’s Gombe Stream Game Reserve to obeserve chimpanzees. Today Jane Goodall’s name is synonymous with the protection of a beloved species. … …


                                               —— National Geographic Magazine, October 2010


  • Tony Nicely

Tony Nicely

“As I’ve told you before, Tony Nicely, GEICO’s CEO, went to work at the company 45 years ago,
two months after turning 18. He became CEO in 1992, and from then on the company’s growth exploded.
In addition, Tony has delivered staggering productivity gains in recent years. Between yearend 2003 and
yearend 2006, the number of GEICO policies increased from 5.7 million to 8.1 million, a jump of 42%.
Yet during that same period, the company’s employees (measured on a fulltime-equivalent basis) fell 3.5%.
So productivity grew 47%. And GEICO didn’t start fat.
That remarkable gain has allowed GEICO to maintain its all-important position as a low-cost
producer, even though it has dramatically increased advertising expenditures. Last year GEICO spent $631
million on ads, up from $238 million in 2003 (and up from $31 million in 1995, when Berkshire took
control). Today, GEICO spends far more on ads than any of its competitors, even those much larger. We
will continue to raise the bar.
Last year I told you that if you had a new son or grandson to be sure to name him Tony. But Don
Keough, a Berkshire director, recently had a better idea. After reviewing GEICO’s performance in 2006,
he wrote me, “Forget births. Tell the shareholders to immediately change the names of their present
children to Tony or Antoinette.” Don signed his letter “Tony.””

                                           —— Warren E. Buffet, 2006 Letter to shareholders, BK.


Yeah, today I got Life in Cold Blood by David Attenborough, since it is the latest released series by David, the quality of the DVD is very good, spectacularly clear and wide-screen, it is a pity seeing that David is elderly, not as resilient as before. yeah, have to admit that he seems more older in this one than in others, from his sound, his action, etc. But the story’s as amazing and inspiring as before. I couldn’t wait to watch more of it.


  • David Attenborough


Sir David Attenborough’s distinguished career in broadcasting now spans more than 50 years. It began in 1952 when he joined BBC Television Talks Department at Alexandra Palace. In 1954 he launched the first of his famous Zoo Quest series which, over the next 10 years, took him to the wilder parts of the world. In between times, his programmes included political broadcasts, archaeological quizzes, short stories, gardening and religious programmes.

On his 80th birthday, in 2006, Sir David was on the Galapagos islands filming giant tortoises, including the famous Lonesome George who was around the same age.

In April 2005, Sir David was awarded the Order of Merit by the Queen which recognises exceptional distinction in the arts, sciences and other areas.

                                                      ——  BBC


And the list could come long and long… … , it is so amazing that they all really love what they do, they love it!

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